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Polycarbonate Roof Lights

WC_Product_Variable Object
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            [name] => Polycarbonate Roof Lights
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            [description] => Polycarbonate roof lights are an incredibly efficient way to bring natural light into a room. Our products are available in a range of different colour tints (clear, diffused, opal and bronze) and they can be made to suit customer specifications if needs be. Our products are manufactured using a thermoforming process in double or triple skin construction, allowing the roof light to meet architectural requirements.

All measurements given from the product selector are external roof upstand sizes (overall). Where applicable, the rooflights will come with a 50mm fixing flange. As standard, a deduction of 100mm should be made to calculate the internal size of the rooflight (clear light size). Unit comes supplied with security fixings.

If a bespoke flange size is required please contact the direct rooflights office.

It is the buyer’s responsibility to ensure the rooflight size purchased is suitable for the intended installation, all rooflights are made to order and are none returnable.

            [short_description] => Our polycarbonate roof lights are robust yet minimalistic, offering a smart solution that allows natural light to fill a room. This product is available in both pyramid and dome styles, as well as a range of tint colours.
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                    [pa_tint] => WC_Product_Attribute Object
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                                            [3] => 30

                                    [position] => 2
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                                            [19] => 287
                                            [20] => 288
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                                            [22] => 241
                                            [23] => 242
                                            [24] => 244
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                                            [28] => 247
                                            [29] => 249
                                            [30] => 250
                                            [31] => 252
                                            [32] => 253
                                            [33] => 251
                                            [34] => 255
                                            [35] => 254
                                            [36] => 257
                                            [37] => 258
                                            [38] => 259
                                            [39] => 260
                                            [40] => 256
                                            [41] => 261
                                            [42] => 263
                                            [43] => 264
                                            [44] => 265
                                            [45] => 262
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From: £85.00

direct rooflights free deliveryFREE Delivery

Our polycarbonate roof lights are robust yet minimalistic, offering a smart solution that allows natural light to fill a room. This product is available in both pyramid and dome styles, as well as a range of tint colours.


Polycarbonate roof lights are an incredibly efficient way to bring natural light into a room. Our products are available in a range of different colour tints (clear, diffused, opal and bronze) and they can be made to suit customer specifications if needs be. Our products are manufactured using a thermoforming process in double or triple skin construction, allowing the roof light to meet architectural requirements.

All measurements given from the product selector are external roof upstand sizes (overall). Where applicable, the rooflights will come with a 50mm fixing flange. As standard, a deduction of 100mm should be made to calculate the internal size of the rooflight (clear light size). Unit comes supplied with security fixings.

If a bespoke flange size is required please contact the direct rooflights office.

It is the buyer’s responsibility to ensure the rooflight size purchased is suitable for the intended installation, all rooflights are made to order and are none returnable.


Additional information


Double, Triple


Bronze, Clear, Diffused, Opal (White)


520mm x 520mm, 520mm x 820mm, 520mm x 1120mm, 570mm x 570mm, 570mm x 870mm, 620mm x 620mm, 620mm x 920mm, 620mm x 1220mm, 670mm x 670mm, 670mm x 970mm, 720mm x 720mm, 720mm x 1020mm, 720mm x 1320mm, 770mm x 770mm, 770mm x 1070mm, 820mm x 1120mm, 820mm x 1420mm, 820mm x 1520mm, 820mm x 1720mm, 820mm x 820mm, 870mm x 870mm, 920mm x 920mm, 920mm x 1120mm, 920mm x 1220mm, 920mm x 1320mm, 970mm x 970mm, 970mm x 1270mm, 1020mm x 1020mm, 1020mm x 1320mm, 1070mm x 1070mm, 1070mm x 1370mm, 1120mm x 1120mm, 1120mm x 1420mm, 1170mm x 1170mm, 1170mm x 1470mm, 1170mm x 1770mm, 1220mm x 1520mm, 1220mm x 1220mm, 1270mm x 1270mm, 1270mm x 1570mm, 1320mm x 1320mm, 1320mm x 1620mm, 1370mm x 1370mm, 1420mm x 1420mm, 1470mm x 1470mm, 1520mm x 1520mm, 1570mm x 1570mm, 1620mm x 1620mm

Technical Drawing


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