1-2m winding rod for use with wormgear manual hinge rooflights
Note – Any Orders placed for delivery outside of England , Scotland or Wales May Incur An Additional Delivery Charge.
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1-2m winding rod
1-2m winding rod for use with wormgear manual hinge rooflights
Note – Any Orders placed for delivery outside of England , Scotland or Wales May Incur An Additional Delivery Charge.
DR 168 Splay
The profile is 168mm high and splays in from the base section 100mm per side. With an upper ribbed portion to give improved adhesion to a variety of waterproofing systems, the DR 168 Splay is the ideal choice for retrofitting an existing flat roof and is offered with the full range of ventilation and polycarbonate rooflight range.
DR 175 Vertical
The profile is 175mm high and comes vertically out of the roof for maximum benefit of natural light. With an upper ribbed portion to give improved adhesion to a variety of waterproofing systems, the DR 175 Vertical is the ideal choice for retrofitting an existing flat roof and is offered with the full range of ventilation and polycarbonate rooflight range.
DR 300 Splay
The profile is 300mm in height and splays 150mm in from the base section. With an upper ribbed portion to give improved adhesion to a variety of waterproofing systems, the additional height makes it the ideal choice for a new build environment where greater depths of insulation are to be used at roof level to improve the thermal performance of the building. The DR 300 Splay is offered with the full range of ventilation and polycarbonate rooflight range.
DR 300 Vertical
The profile is 300mm in height and comes vertically out of the roof for maximum benefit of natural light. With an upper ribbed portion to give improved adhesion to a variety of waterproofing systems, the additional height makes it the ideal choice for a new build environment where greater depths of insulation are to be used at roof level to improve the thermal performance of the building. The DR 300 Vertical is offered with the full range of ventilation and polycarbonate rooflight range.